Tummy time is the time in which the awake baby is placed on the tummy …
Fifth disease in children and pregnant women
Fifth disease is a fairly mild viral illness that makes children’s cheeks feel like they’ve …
Apgar index, what it is and what it evaluates
The Apgar index is a system used by pediatricians and gynecologists to evaluate the health …
Newborn teeth
The appearance of the baby’s first teeth is a milestone in its development, but it …
Acne neonatale
Neonatal acne or ;acne neonatorum; it is a common skin condition that occurs in more than …
Umbilical cord infection and newborn omphalitis
Umbilical cord infection After birth, infection of the umbilical cord stump can lead to omphalitis, …
Aplasia cutis congenita (symptoms, causes and treatment)
Congenital aplasia of the skin Aplasia cutis congenita (ACC) is a disease in which there …
Blood group of the newborn: how he inherits it
Children inherit blood type A, B, AB or 0 from both their father and mother, …
Newborn temperature: when it is high, what to do
The body temperature of newborns The temperature of newborns can undergo small variations even for …
Foods to eat, and foods to avoid while breastfeeding
A healthy and varied diet should be followed while breastfeeding. Diets that exclude certain foods or …