The arrival of a child is usually a moment of celebration and joy, celebrated differently …
Emmoragia postpartum
Postpartum hemorrhage occurs when a woman after delivery and delivery of the placenta has blood …
Baby blues post partum
Many mothers, usually within a couple of days after giving birth, experience a very particular …
Color of breast milk
The color of breast milk changes and changes over time. It can even change during the …
Lose weight after childbirth: how to get back in shape after a pregnancy
Have you just given birth and have you already started thinking about how to get …
Puerperium: let’s find out what happens during the period following childbirth
What is the puerperium The definition of puerperium refers to the period that passes in …
Puerperal sepsis of a new mother
Puerperal sepsis is a certain or suspected infection associated with organ damage that occurs from …