Visits and exams during pregnancy organized by trimester.
up to 12 weeks + 6 days | information is offered on assistance and support for pregnant women, on legal benefits for maternity and paternity, on birth accompaniment courses, on lifestyles and on how to manage the most common symptoms |
weight and blood pressure are measured | |
a urinalysis is offered to check kidney function | |
a urine culture is proposed to detect a possible urinary tract infection | |
a blood test is proposed to determine the blood group and the Rh factor, the possible presence of anemia or other diseases including infectious diseases (toxoplasmosis, rubella, syphilis, HIV) | |
an ultrasound is proposed to confirm, in doubtful cases, which week of pregnancy you are at | |
a pap test is offered, if it has not been done for at least three years | |
information is offered on the different possibilities for prenatal diagnosis of Down syndrome – between 11 weeks + 0 days and 13 weeks + 6 days: blood test and nuchal translucency ultrasound (combined test) – between 15 weeks + 0 days and 20 weeks + 0 days: blood test (for example: triple test) – CVS and amniocentesis | |
we begin to talk about the ultrasound to be performed in the second trimester to detect any anomalies of the fetus | |
from 13 weeks + 0 days to 27 weeks + 6 days | the doctor or midwife checks the care plan with the expectant mother and proposes any necessary changes if necessary |
if blood tests show the hemoglobin level is below 10.5 g/100 ml, treatment may be indicated | |
blood pressure is measured | |
starting from 24 weeks+0 days the fundus-symphysis pubis distance is measured to verify fetal growth | |
if you are not immune, a blood test for rubella and toxoplasmosis is proposed | |
if you belong to a risk group for diabetes, you are offered a blood test (glucose load curve) | |
ultrasound (commonly called morphological) is offered and illustrated for the diagnosis of any anomalies of the fetus, to be performed between 19 weeks + 0 days and 21 weeks + 0 days | |
information on childbirth support courses is offered | |
from 28 weeks + 0 days to the end | the doctor or midwife checks the care plan and, if necessary, proposes the necessary changes |
if blood tests show the hemoglobin level is below 10.5 g/100 ml, treatment may be indicated | |
blood pressure is measured | |
the fundus-pubic symphysis distance is measured to verify fetal growth |
blood testing for toxoplasmosis (if you are not immune) and other infectious diseases (hepatitis B, syphilis, HIV) is proposed | |
strep swab is proposed | |
anti-D prophylaxis is offered to women with a negative Rh factor | |
information on childbirth support courses is offered | |
information is offered at 32-33 weeks on techniques to increase the chance of a fetus in breech presentation turning (cephalic version), such as moxibustion or external maneuvers | |
around 34 weeks we start talking about childbirth, labor and the opportunities available to deal with pain | |
around 34 weeks contacts are planned with the hospital where one has chosen to give birth | |
around 34 weeks you will receive information on assistance at 40 weeks and beyond | |
around 34 weeks contacts are planned with the hospital where you have chosen to give birth, information is offered on postpartum assistance, on the tests that are offered immediately after birth, on breastfeeding and on newborn care” | |
at 36 weeks, it is verified that the fetus is in cephalic presentation: if it is still in breech presentation, information is provided on the possibility of performing external obstetric maneuvers to make it turn |
Katherine Johnson, M.D., is a board-certified obstetrician-gynecologist with clinical expertise in general obstetrics and gynecology, family planning, women’s health, and gynecology.
She is affiliated with the Obstetrics and Gynecology division at an undisclosed healthcare institution and the online platform,